Welcome to our November “Keeping in Touch”

Good luck for the all who are punting or sweeping in the big race today. This will be the one hundred and fifty-seventh Melbourne Cup. Little did the good folk  at Flemington know, back in 1861, as they cheered Archer to the first of its 2 Cup wins, that such a long tradition was commencing. In reading about life at the time, I was surprised to realise that it was still the Age of the Explorers in Australia – news had only just reached Melbourne of the discovery that Burke and Wills had perished earlier that year, on their quest in Central Australia.

Traditions are an important part of our lives – remembering our stories and celebrating them – celebrating those who have gone before us and contributed to making Australia such a great place to live.

Hoping that you have much to celebrate.

Tom, Maria, Veronica and Kerrie

at Financial Springs


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